Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Treasure's of the Milandes

Letter to Veroni dated May 18th

"I will be sending to you some money and provisions, we have found a treasure of great importance. We all risked our lives to get it and some of us even died out there, but the result was worth it.
Although I urge you to spend the money or at least exchange it as soon as you can, I believe it might be cursed.
She sent me messengers again, they were in worse shape than before, probably because we were further from the sea. I do not understand why she is punishing me and not them. They should be the ones trying to kill me.
This time, her messengers gave me the ring. It's official now. I don't plan on running away, I accept my fate. I always get out of trouble anyways.
I wonder if it is him. They said he was a shadow demon. It has to be...
I know you will call me crazy. I know this is suicide.
But I cannot go against my curiosity.
I am not a cat.
Take care of the caravan, my next letter will contain the promised money."

Monday, May 24, 2010


I guess I need to write this, I had people ask me about it.

YES, my character is a whore that flirts and sleeps with anyone that has the money to spend.

NO, I do NOT sleep with other players. I have a boyfriend and I am happy.

I am a very touchy-feely type of person though so I tend to give lots of hugs and sit on laps and squish people's faces in my breasts, but that is ALL.
And when I kiss and fondle Ewen, that,s because I've known her for years and we both like to show off.

So don't ask me if I'm willing to sleep with you, don't ask me if I slept with so and so, don't ask me if I really do the double Rochelloise pinwheel in real life.
The answer is NO.

My character might have a different answer though....

Sunday, May 23, 2010

At the "Sea Dog" Inn

Letter to Veroni dated April 20th

"This is the last time I let Moldo talk me into trying out his new aquisition. This in was disgusting. Those damned pirates are horrible people - Except for Paine's crew of course- with absolutely no manners whatsoever. You were right, I shouldn't have gone.
The queen-bitch sent me messengers; I am to be married upon her decree to the person of her choice. A demon. I knew it would be bad new to go near the piers.
I do not wish to be married, but I fear it might be... him.
After so many years, my past is coming back to haunt me. I should have never left the caravan, now I am only to be trouble for everyone...
And with Ludovik's news about Izegaga not feeling so good recently, Ewen is getting even harder to control; she believes that my demise would be the end of the Kumpanya, that I am what holds it together.
I am not a God, far from it...
I beg of you, guide me.
You are like a father to me Veroni, guide my path as you lead the others."

Yes I know, this letter reveals barely anything of what happened. Oh well, you had to be there. I write only what is on the mind of my character when she writes to Veroni. And even though the evening with Mr. De Montalambert was great, Beldandy was to busy thinking of other things.

See you next post.

OMG! I'm still alive!

Hey! Lookithat! a NEW POST!
Yup, again, after countless pokes of 'please, write on your blog' I finally decided to post.
It's not that I don't have anything to write, I have loads! But the problem is that I am afraid of causing meta-gaming if I say too much...

But a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!

So here comes the recap of the last 2 LARPs!