Thursday, December 10, 2009

The functionning of the Caravan.

Beldandy and Ewen come from a caravan of gypsies. A nomadic tribe of entertainers, thieves and charlatans.

The tribe (kumpanya) contains roughly 100 people and about as many horses. Most of the horses pull wagons while the others serve as mounts for the guard and the scouts.

The kumpanya acts as one big family; pooling ressources, taking care of all the children, sharing food and protecting each other. They are led by the Council of Elders, the six eldest members of the caravan.
Right now the council consists of:

Veroni, the chief elder
He is not the eldest but he is the one in charge of leading the carts from town to town. His wagon is the first in the procession. All the members of the caravan respect his decisions as he always has the good of the kumpanya in mind.

Izegaga, the seer
The eldest by far, being a seer for so long made her lose a few braincells too much so she is sometimes incoherent. But when her mind is not wandering off, she is a walking-talking pool of knowledge.

Gueux, the medicine-man
He is not exactly a healer, he is not exactly an alchemist, he is not exactly a fool. He knows how to make healing potions, which he uses to help the caravan, and he knows how to make potions that have no use and that people will want to buy (love potions, hair growth potions, luck potions, penis enlargment potions (some things never change...), etc.)

Bobre, the fletcher and
Bobge, the brewer
Twins, one of them makes the booze, the other makes the barrels to store the booze in. Together they keep the parties going. They are very popular among the kumpanya and among the clients.

Ruena, the seamstress
She is the one in charge of the musicians', dancers', entertainers' and prostitutes' clothing. She designs wonderful creations that are both practical and beautiful.

The rest of the tribe is divided between entertainers, musicians, dancers, singers and prostitutes although everyone has a second profession be it as assistant to one of the elders or other important tasks like instrument repair or shoe-making or even hunting.

*To be continued*


  1. Izegaga? Seriously? :P

    Well, I think this is pretty interesting, but I find it cheap that every gypsy tribe under the sun is portrayed as thieves and charlatans :( But still, A+ for effort :D

  2. Izegaga indeed. That's only because I convinced 3neliram to not call her Ewizegaga. And you have to admit that the name fits for a crazy old woman :P

    And the caravan is not only thieves and charlatans, and they are good thieves. as I will be writting later, they do not steal from the common folk, only from bad people.

    And at least I am not the one playing a pirate and shouting ARRRRRRRR every other word. (apologies to the awesome pirates of Milandes, just making a point here.) Stereotypes are there for a reason.
    Because we are different by falling in them.
    If I play an evil Drow, I will be very different from the common Drow player because I won't be a Drizz't rip-off. :P
