Friday, November 20, 2009

Legion's Story!

If you are a player in Milandes your knowledge of Legion is a big evil demon that kills people.

Legion is also my cat. If you played in the last game of the 2009 season, you know what I"m talking about.

This little cat had been abandonned, no one knows where he came from. He was starved and alone, little fluffy fuzzball in the deep dark evil woods.
And then there was the LARP.

A week before the LARP, people stopped by to bring things over in advance and to put up their tents.
They saw this cute little fluffy kitten.
Thinking it belonged to one of the neighbors, they played with it and left it there.

At the LARP, this fuzzball was abandonned and alone, people asked the neighbors and no one knew who the cat belonged to.

I saw that cat and fell in love (damned chivalry genes!). I brought it to the inn, fed it and kept it warm. People spent the whole weekend playing with it.At the time, we thought it was a female (damned cats and their similar genitals.) so we named it Princess.

After the LARP, I brought the cat home. a trip to the vet later, we learn that it's a male, he's healthy apart from being WAY to skinny and having had a tapeworm (de-worming products for the win) and having had fleas. Princess became Legion.

And now, well, the cat is awesomely cute, weighs a healthy 9 pounds and is a real whore. Pick him up and he's happy, pet him and he's happy, feed him and he's happy. He's happy as long as you don't put him down.

What a cute little whore!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What I plan on posting next...

Yep, this is only to post my ideas of futur posts!

So here is the list.
I will cross out topics as I write about them and add a link to the relevant post.
I will also add to the list as I see fit.

1. List of Inn items
2. Legion’s Story
3. More Background info
4. The Caravan’s Story
5. Recipes
6. Pictures
7. to be determined...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Repairs repairs repairs.

I interupt this ongoing readerless blog with a note about the inn itself.
Not the intity, but the building. The rickety shack that holds by sheer willpower and is enforced by the determination of the people who built it!

It takes a lot of work to create a building out of rotten wood and rusty nails.

But I'm not complaining, the place is still standing, has a roof, a door and windows.
Already a lot better than most inns I've seen. (Some did not have doors, some had big gaping holes, and one was actually just 4 walls that didn't even connected with tarps over the square-ish shape and they called it an inn.)

Anyhoo, the inn is getting repaired!
On November 29, people are going to repair the inn!

And now, everybody rejoice!

*does a little funky dance*

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Out of Character presentation!

Ok! So real life events now, not just character backstory...

I'm curently playing Beldandy at a LARP called Milandes in the province of Quebec.
I play an innkeeper. Why? because I like it.
Actually, the idea first came after playing for a few years in other LARPs and talking to people who went to different LARPs and to people who had their own LARP.
The main reccuring characteristic was that innkeepers were always the most annoying NPC to play because the actors prefer to be monsters and such, and if they are portrayed by players, they are never at the Inn since players prefer to fight said monsters.
Personnaly, I love LARPing, but I hate fighting.

I know, some of you are wondering why the f*** do I LARP if I don't like fighting.
The reason: because I love role-playing.

An other recurring theme I saw in LARPs is that people tend to forget they need to eat. They are so busy trying to beat monsters of finding more treasures that they forget to eat. The usual LARP meal is beer, gummies and car temperature chunky soup cans.

So I decided that the greatest way to continue playing while not fighting was to become an innkeeper.

I talked about my project for years to everyone around me since I knew I wouldn't be able to take care of everything myself.
Most of my LARPing friends were not interested. "Where's the fun if you don't get to explode monsters' faces?" But eventually I found a friend who was not interested at all in fighting, just like me, and who thought that the idea of being an innkeeper was pretty cool.

Then followed a long time of looking for a LARP who would accept innkeepers and endless Value Village and flea market stalking in order to find pots and pans and bowls and spoons and all that medieval looking sh*t we would need.

Eventually, we found one, not Milandes, but after playing there for a season, we realised we didn't like the place.
Then we found Milandes.

Seriously, the place is awesome. The people are awesome. The story is awesome.
I just love it all.
Except the bugs.
But hey...

Anyways, now we are happily playing innkeepers in this great LARP, where we entertain people, constantly explode with lewd comments and just love the people.

Eye-candy for everyone!

Character presentation FTW!

So I guess I could start by presenting the people who will write and star in this blog.

I'm not going to describe myself much, the point here is to talk about my character and my ideas.
What's important:
I'm a girl, I play D&D and I've been LARPing for years. I love LARPs and Role-playing in general. I also love comic books and video games. And yes, I am a girl!

My character is a gypsy called Beldandy. For some reason (involving zombies, werewolves and a shadow demon...), she left the caravan she had always been travelling with and decided to hang low and settle down a bit.
Not being one to stay in one place though (She still IS a gypsy) and being unable to stay alone for long periods of time, she decided to open here own little travelling inn.

So now she has her own little inn, helped by her faithfull friend Ewen, and she entertains and feeds travellers.

Ewen is awesome, she helps a lot around the inn and keeps my brain in my skull.
She used to be with the caravan to, but decided to follow Beldandy around since they had always been very good friends.

Together, they are the greatest ladies ever. They can entertain with their voices, their bodies and their spirits (both wits and alcohol meanings of spirits are applicable here). They can cook delicious meals for travellers. (And they offer coffee for the ones who prefer to wake up before starting to fight.) And they have great magic powers that can keep everyone alive! (if you forget the part where that make them the number one target for enemies...)

Seriously, both Ewen and Beldandy are not afraid to use their bodies to ther advantage, sometimes, screams coming from the woods are not the outcome of a zombie raid.....

ok... I guess this is getting very long for a post.
So more out of game backstory next time!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Welcome to hell...

There are a few types of blogs, help blogs, random blogs, abandonned blogs, witty blogs...
This here is mostly for my fun.

In here will be reality and fiction... the kind of fiction that really happens.
Let me explain: I play in live action Dungeon and Dragons games. I'm an innkeeper. This job is awesome AND hellish at the same time.

This here is just to vent off and brag.
I guess that's what I like about the internet, who care what I write, right?